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Dr. Ariel Carlito Salem

The first person to avail of this project is Dr. Ariel Carlito Salem, a pediatrician from Davao City. He was primarily interested in reaching the United States to explore opportunities that are available there. Dr. Anacleto Millendez, CEO of the ABM International Consultancy, then facilitated his trip by providing him a loan for his air fare and an allowance that was to be left to the family he was leaving behind. Dr. Millendez’ task was made easier by the fact that Dr. Salem already had a ready visa. Upon reaching California, he was fetched by Dr. Millendez himself at the San Francisco International Airport on February 14, 2006, had  coffee at Starbucks just across the main office of the ABM International Consultancy. That same day, they had lunch at the Boracay Tropical Grill and was introduced to the owner Mrs. Edwina Salinas and waitress Flower. The next day, he was  hosted by Dr. Millendez for a lunch for Mrs.Eleanor C. Millendez' birthday  at Fresh Choice Restaurant in Mountain Vew, CA. He was also toured around Stanford University. A week after his U.S arrival, Dr. Salem had an exposure as a volunteer at the Morning Star Villa Care Home in Oakland, CA for two weeks and another 2-week ends exposure at RezzaBell Residential Care Home in San Jose. Presently, Dr. Salem has signed up as an independent distributor of VEMMA, a proven effective health drink. Please visit his website at Because of Dr. Salem's expertise in community work and strong background on grant writing, Dr. Millendez is seriously petitioning him to work as one of the consultants of the ABM International Consultancy. His Department of Labor Certification has already been issued and the petition for working visa (H1B) will be filed in April 2006.
With that wonderful experience of Dr. Salem, PUNTA on the otherhand, is also meant to benefit those who do not have visas. It is part of the project to advise applicants how to obtain visas and then assist them in providing the financing necessary to travel overseas.
PUNTA Project is a joint effort of the ABM International Consultancy and TULONG Project the Beautiful Heart Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Carlito Salem with Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto B. Millendez with daughter Kathleen Anne at Stanford Shopping Mall, Stanford, CA

In front of Macy's Department Store, with Dr. Salem and the family of Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto B. Millendez

Dr. Salem with Cyril David Millendez at Fresh Choice Restaurant in Mountian View, CA

Dr Salem with Dr. Anacleto B. Millendez with son Cyril at the entrance to Stanford Hospital & Clinics

At Lucille Packard Children's Hospital with Dr. Salem and Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto Millendez and daughter Kathleen

Dr. Salem at the entrance to the intensive care unit of the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital

Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto B. Millendez with P.U.N.T.A. participant Dr. Carlito Salem

Dr. Salem in his observation tour of the CHARM

Dr Salem with Roger Saturio & the family of Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto B. Millendez in front of St. Cyprian Catholic Church entrance

Dr. Salem and Kathleen Anne Millendez in a house for sale in Sunnyvale, CA

Dr. Salem posing at the CHARM waiting area.

Dr. Salem in Saratoga, CA

Dr. Salem in Saratoga, CA

Dr. Salem singing at the Boracay Tropical Grill

Dr. Salem with Jerome, a software expert from L.A. and the family of Dr. & Mrs. Anacleto Millendez

Top-Cyril Millendez at Walden West Science Camp with Dr. Carl Salem. Bottom-Dr. Salem busy writing for grants.

Dr. Salem in his own private bedroom at the ABM International Consultancy Building

Dr. Salem getting ready for another busy day at the ABM International Consultancy

Dr Anacleto B. Millendez with daughter Kathleen and Dr. Carl Salem singing at the Boracay Tropical Grill

Dr. Salem posing as Medical Officer for PEEP Philippine Team

Dr. Salem at the Mountain View Cal Train and VTA Light Railway Transit

Dr. Salem with Kathleen Anne Millendez in front of the Episcopal Church in Sunnyvale, CA

Dr. Salem trying to mail his letter at the U.S. Postal Office in Sunnyvale, CA

At the entrance of Happy Hollow Zoo in San Jose, CA

Firehouse at the Happy Hallow Zoo, San Jose, CA